You don’t have to move mountains.
Simply fall in love with life. Be a tornado
of happiness, gratitude and acceptance.
You will change the world just by being
a warm, kind-hearted human being.
– Anita Krizzan
I’m Viola.
A creative girl from Finland.
You might see me using Viola Minerva or Viola Virtamo as my name. Sorry for confusing – Minerva is actually my second name and Virtamo my very Finnish lastname. I didn’t like my second name at all as a kid, but during these years I’ve totally changed my mind – especially when I found out that it’s also a name of a Roman goddess of wisdom (would love to have all of her knowledge, right?).
Something about me
When speaking about work, it’s simple, I’m a photographer, graphic designer, cookbook author and entrepreuner. But if you ask who I am, I would say that I’m a visual storyteller and a dreamer you can find in the middle of forest enjoying the peace, or in the garden of my little cottage in the countryside of Finland with my hands in dirt or maybe from my apartement listening to movie soundtracks and reading a good book.
But I’m also a hard working girl who can be an unbearable perfectionist on herself. But don’t we all do that? Be too hard on ourselves sometimes? Probably yes. But we all deserve candlelight dinners and long weekend brunches to our lives. I’m on my path too, learning to be kind to myself and find the perfect balance between work and rest. After burning myself out multiple times, I’ve realised that I shouldn’t be just working on my career here, I should be working on my dream life.
I know what starting from the scratch is.
I’m a self-taught photographer. Self-taught graphic designer. Self-taught cook. But you know what? It has given me the courage to learn and try everything what makes me happy. I’ve buildt the life that I’ve always wanted. My dreamlife. And I believe anyone can do that.
But here I am for you. To inspire you.
To help you build a beautiful and delicious life.
Are you ready to share your journey with me?
One dinner, one picture, one moment at a time.